Wednesday 22 January 2014

Dirt Jumping

Dirt jumping, probably one of the most underrated and least known sports in the world, although, in my opinion, the sport that requires the most hard work, determination and skill than any other. You most likely don't know what it consists of, so let me explain.

First of all, a bike is needed, preferably a mountain bike or bmx. These days there are special dirt jump bikes made specifically for the sport, which are basically a hybrid between a bmx and a mountain bike, even though they are rare and very few shops sell them.

The locations of these trails are usually hard to find or hidden, due to the fact the the people who build them don't want them to be found and receive the tragic effects of vandalism. However, many people can easily find them while having a walk in the forest or exploring the outside. The one thing that dirt jumps need is a LOT of space. In preference, the dirt must be humid and abundant, with barely any stones and rocks. Too many roots can also slow down the process of building some awesome trails!

Most trail sites start off being one or two poorly made small jumps, made by hand by a few teenagers, but gradually built up to being an exquisitely crafted and looked after maze of huge precise connected dirt jumps. Sometimes, you can find lines of up to even 20 jumps.

This is a photo of me having fun on the local dirt jumps of Soria (Las Batuecas), next to the train station.

As you can see, the two jumps are closely placed one in front of another so as to create a flow and continuity between them, also to keep up enough speed to clear the next jump. The trees give a great shade for those hot Spanish summers that we are used to. Also, the trees create a much nicer photo!

Here are a couple of quick videos if you're interested:


  1. Can it be use motorbikes in dirt jumping?

  2. Nuria Ramírez

    It’s a great sport and not very common seen, which makes it even more attractive and original. However aren't you scared that you can have some serious injuries if you fall down of the bike? I kind to like it but I prefer other types of sports that may not be so dangerous.

  3. Hello Pipe and Nuria, I'm afraid that dirt jumping is a stricly bicycle-only sport as the motorbikes can easily damage the ramps and landings. They also have much to much suspension.
    Although sometimes the sport is very scary and requires you to take enourmous risks to achieve something this is what I like about it. However, you have to be ready to take the impact of falling off once in a while as it is natural to the sport.

  4. Some falls are funny... aren't they Zach? jajaja

  5. It is very interesting to learn about an alternative sport,and more if it seems to be very difficult and dangerous at they same time. It gives the impression to require effort not only in the practice, but also in the building of new jump spaces, doesn´t it? How did you manage to build all those bycicle jump spaces?

  6. It seems to be an exciting and risky sport, more if we are talking for people quite clumsy as I am. Do you think that with practice is it possible to do all that tricks that you do? I would like to practice it, however I don't think enough money for buying all the materiales needed, or is it quite cheap?

  7. Dirt jumping seems to be very exciting but also very risky. A bad jump and maybe you will never could practise this sport again. How many years have passed from the first time you do your first jump?
    I hope one day I found the courage for jumping like you do.
