Monday 9 June 2014

WATER - drink or fuel?

We all know what water is. We all use it for drinking every day. Its properties are well known all around the world since always. All of them? Of course not. Trough a simple machine, we can transform an everyday drink into the third most explosive gas in the world. How? 

The machine is often called “hydrogen cell generator”, discovered by William Nicholson in 1800, who used it for lighting. It’s based on the electrolysis effect, which consists of applying electricity to water. The materials used are the following ones: 

  • Stainless steel from fizzy drinks cans
  • A glass container with its cap (as Nescafe or Nutella ones)
  • Some wires and a plastic tube.
  • An electric battery (9V). 
1.-To begin with, obtain two stainless steel plates from fizzy drinks cans. Make sure they fit inside the container. You must make them a hole in each of them in order to connect them to the wires.
2.-Secondly, drill the cap of the container so that the plastic tube and the wires enter inside it. You can fix it with cello tape or superglue.
3.-Then, fill the container until the top with tap water. Add a bit of one of these products to improve water conductivity: salt, sodium bicarbonate or bleach. Beware of them!
4.-Finally, submerge the steel plates inside the water and close the container with its cap. Make sure the steel plates are not in contact inside the water. To switch it on, connect both wires to the battery. The result must be something similar to this:

Through the plastic tube, Hydroxy gas will start to emerge. The yield of the machine depends on the voltage of the battery and the size of the steel plates. You can watch a professional explanation of this machine in this video. It has several uses that can be adapted depending on the needs. Its main use is as fuel. Does it pollute? It doesn’t. In its combustion, only water vapour is released to the atmosphere. Actually, some people adapt this machine to their cars, so that they replace gasoline fuel and save some money on their fuel bills. Moreover, Hydroxy gas is also used for filling floating balloons. Check its power in this amazing video!

In conclusion, we can obtain an easy, cheap and environmentally-friendly fuel from one of the most abundant substances on Earth: WATER. The end of the gasoline era is coming!