Thursday 6 February 2014

Gorillas in the Mist

Recently, it was the 82nd anniversary of the birth of Dian Fossey. This reminded me of the film Gorillas in the Mist, which it tells the interesting life of this American anthropologist. 

In the film, she travels to Africa to study the life of the mountain gorillas. During her stay there, she starts to know more about the animals of the jungle. She observes how the few animals that remain are massacred by hunters. She dedicates the rest of her life to protect and take care of them.

She establishes a national park in the mountains. She becomes famous thank to the informative documentaries about gorillas that she records for the National Geographic. She has a really close relationship with Digit, the dominant gorilla from the first group she studied. The death of this gorilla at the hands of poachers was a great sorrow for her.

Finally, Dian Fossey is brutally murdered in her bedroom at the cabin by an unknown attacker. Her life had a tragic ending, but she died fighting for the freedom of the gorillas.


  1. I really liked this film, also this is a very interesting article. Howerever, would you do the same, I mean, would you fight for gorillas' freedom as she did?

  2. Although I'm not the writer of this article, in my opinion it's difficult that a teen like us could do something that could help the maintenance of gorillas' freedom.

  3. I now it is difficult to fight for their freedom but it would be worthy to do it just to feel the happines of another specie of animal

  4. Even though this is a delicate topic, I think it's good to write about it, because we should report about the injusticies against the animal world. Or aren't we animals like them? Despite this fact, I think we have nothing to do with these topic, because until all countries prohibit it, we will continue having this type of abuses against our "relatives".

  5. I can´t believe what you are saying....Do you think Diane Fossey thought in saving gorillas or studying them when she was 15? Of course not. I don´t know what I want to study in 2 years time. However, I know that I will follow my instict and I will do what I like. If you want to be the second Diane Fossey you can do it as she did. It won´t be easy but it wasn´t easy for her too. Furthermore, she died for her believes. Maybe only one of us can do nothing but all of us together can do a lot for any cause and if some of you is concerned with the topic you can help by studying a biology career and following what your moral says.

  6. Hello there! Thank you for leaving some comments on my post. Regarding your points of view, I must say that, of course, with our age we are not going to do what Dian Fossey did. It is true that I would like to protect and help the gorillas. I think it is an interesting action to carry out. We have to be aware of this problem. Nowadays, some people keep helping the gorillas and some of them are risking their lives. It strikes me the fact that there are still people who are against the protection of animals, such as the gorillas, and who are capable of hunting or killing those who try to protect them.
